FEE: There is no camping fee for units/individual reenactors that provide living history program for the public during weekend farm tour hours.
AMENITIES: The GBPA provides water, firewood and porta-john facilities.
Unit tours of house and barn (Confederate Field Hospital) are included in the fee if they can be scheduled during regular tour hours, usually 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.
All fires must be in fire rings.
Firearms including concealed carry without expressed permission of the GBPA (i.e. authorized event security). Period weapons & powder for reenactment are permitted.
NO firing of bullets/projectiles.
NO firing of weapons inside or within 100 feet of buildings.
NO flames any kind in buildings, nor campfires, candles or flame lanterns within 100 feet of any building.
NO Smoking in, or adjacent to, any building. Smoking may be permitted in camps. Be sure to police the butts!
NO Alcoholic Beverages.
NO Loud or Abusive Language.
Only battery or electric powered lanterns or lights permitted in, or near, any building including “porta johns.”
Banners and flags on public display must be period-correct.
Fire, police & medical emergencies dial 911.
For more information: 717-357-7609 or 717-778-7760