There are 3 options for you to take action to SAVE GETTYSBURG HALLOWED GROUND.
- Fill out the form on this page and send it to us with the message: SAVE HALLOWED GROUND. It will be added to our growing petition. We will not share your e-mail address other than it will appear on the final petition submitted to the Straban Township Board of Supervisors.
- Open and print out the petition form here, add your name, address and (optional) email address, then circulate it among your friends or the general public and mail it to us at the GBPA postal address on the sheet.
- Add your name to our online petition at: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/524/629/889/save-gettysburg-hallowed-ground
Read about the GBPA Campaign to Save Hallowed Ground
What people are saying
Many things are more important than making a buck! This is one of the most historical sites in America. Anyone with any decency would never want to destruct and destroy this priceless property. Unthinkable, yet I'm not surprised. What's our country coming to?
Patricia G. - Maryland
This is hallowed ground, and should be saved. Many wounded were cared for at Camp Letterman, and we should honor those who died there, It is as important as any other part of the battlefield, and maybe more so, because it represents the efforts to save lives. This land, because of what it represents, really belongs to the whole country. Shame on Straban Township for even thinking of desecrating this land. It must be saved. I hope that all of the various historical organizations - the GNMP, the Civil War Trust, the borough of Gettysburg, Adams County, the National Park Service, the Licensed Battlefield Guide Organization, and other groups - will step up and take an active part in trying to save Camp Letterman for our posterity. It is that important!
Gary R. - Pennsylvania
I have fore-bearers that fought at Gettysburg; essential for future generations we preserve as MUCH of the battlefield as we can as a testament to those who died there.
Randall M. - New Hampshire
There shouldn't even have to be a Petition because this shouldn't even be considered it is sad and horrible that anyone should have to ask to help save any area this is a National Historic Area.
Wendi M. - Massachusetts
When we visited Gettysburg Battlefield the one thing that really struck me was how the park had kept the area natural just the way it was...My 1st thought is what a tribute to the fallen of all sides and humanity.
Wesley M. - Texas
A few years ago I read about Camp Letterman and decided to visit it on my annual trip to Gettysburg. I was extremely disappointed, not only to have to park in a retail parking lot to read the markers, but the lack of care to the grounds is a pity. Camp Letterman played such an important part in the American Civil War. We should never have to sign a petition to protect our hallowed grounds; after all, our history is evident in Gettysburg and should remain so for generations to come.
Protect what so many have died for.
Karen S. - New Jersey
As the Chief of the AMEDD (Army Medical Department) Center of History & Heritage, I support that we need to save this space
Army Medical Department
Robert D. - Texas
Was Abe right?....."The world will little note, nor remember"....I hope not!
Hugh R. - Missouri
Our Civil War is the most treasured of all American military conflicts....It must ALL be preserved !!!
William M. - Alabama
I can't believe that all of Camp Letterman wasn't preserved. Shameful.
Cheryl A. - California